6 FREE Content Ideas for Your Instagram

by - November 11, 2019

Did you know that I am a Social Media Manager & Content Creator?
Yep, I totally am. [Click Here to Learn More]

The Internet has been in my life for a very long time & I've always had a passion for Social Media. People (aka bullies) used to call me Facebook Fallon in high school... hilariously enough they're the ones asking me for advice now.


Okay, now that my petty Betty moment is out of the way.... onto the content ideas.

When people ask me how I plan content I always go back to 3 things:
1. What are you offering your followers as value?
2. Is what you're sharing on brand?
3. Does this content appeal to your ideal customer?

Everyone's business and ideal client is different so these ideas are blanketed, but can be tweaked to fit YOUR business!

1. Share a QUICK tip: The keyword here is quick. You have 2-3 seconds to catch your audiences attention. Use it wisely! Create an aesthetically pleasing graphic & make your caption WORK for you. (Be sure to use your #hashtags to reach more people for free!)

2. Host a Poll: Do this within your Instagram Story. When people vote it tells Instagram that they like your content/connect with you... resulting in you showing up in their feed more often.

3. Go LIVE! The dreaded Live video... is really what is keeping you from reaching the next level of your business. Right now (Nov. 2019) the algorithm is favoring LIVE videos over any other content.

4. Convert your pre-recorded videos into IGTV: Reusing content is one of my favorite ways to show people that they can reach the audience they desire without overwhelming themselves! People love video. They want to connect with you and your brand.

5. Shout Out/Plug Other Creators: Do you shop at an Etsy shop that you love? Shout them out. You're offering exposure to that brand (who is more than likely going to re-share the post, exposing you to their audience...) and showing your audience VALUE! They may purchase something & fall in love with them, too. Giving you creditably & trust.

6. Personal, personal, personal: People NEED to connect with you on a real, human level. For every 3 business/professional posts you should be sharing something personal. It reminds people that you're real and opens up conversations that deepen the relationship between you and your ideal customer.

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