SummerSplashVoxBox / Joining Influenster

by - July 28, 2019

*** Links disclosed in this post may be affiliate links. Meaning that at no additional cost to you I may receive a commission &/or benefits upon you purchasing or signing up for a website.

I'm almost 30 which means three things:
- I spend most of my days in sweat pants or yoga pants (yogi's if I'm feeling sassy)
- 8:00 PM is legit my bed time; not just my 2-year-old's
- I reaaaaaally care about how I spend my money (& saving money where I can!)

In the world of endless information it's a little intimidating when you try to research a product. Most times you type in a product in Google or YouTube and you're going to receive a paid sponsorship between a Guru & a company. Which is great for the Guru, but not so much for the every day consumer. Why? That Guru was paid to say good thing about the product and may not be giving their 100% truthful opinion about it. I've been an avid YouTube Beauty Guru fan since 2014; I bought into the hype around launches, trendy brands, and allllll that. But five years later I find myself looking for quality over trendy. 

That leads me to Influenster and probably the reason you're here. 

Influenster is an online community of every day people reviewing products. Yep, you heard it. COMMON FOLK giving their raw, real opinions on products that you may want to buy. When I first heard of Influenster back in 2014 I hopped right on the website and started to review my all time favorites. Then one day I receive a survey via e-mail that said I possibly could receive free products to review by completing the survey. If I was a good match I would receive a confirmation e-mail and if not, there would be other surveys in the future. I was blown away and also very skeptical because after all ... nothing's free, right? 

How It Works:
1. Sign up for an Influenster account (click here to sign up!)
 ** Also, download the app! It's required to receive a VoxBox
2. Once you active your account you'll want to sync your Social Media accounts
3. Search for your Holy Grail/favorite products and review them
The more you review & interact on the website the more likely it is that you'll receive a survey.
4. You'll receive the survey's via e-mail. 
There will be campaign specific questions to see if you're a good match for the latest Vox Box. 
5. Once you complete the survey you'll provide your mailing address & wait for the confirmation e-mail that you've been accepted for the campaign. 
6. On the Influenster app once you receive your VoxBox be sure to hit "I Received My Box."
Once you've accepted your box there will be a sections of requirements from each brand. 
These requirements include things like sharing your review on Instagram or your blog, liking the company's on Facebook or following their social media handles. And lastly, reviewing the products on Influenster. 

So, are these boxes any good? I received the #SummerSplashVoxBox this past weekend and it included the following products: 

Wet & Wild's PhotoFocus Cucumber 3-In-1 Primer Water (MSRP: $5.49)
Wet & Wild's PhotoFocus Water Drop Primer (MSRP: $5.49)
Kiss's Lash Couture Naked Drama Collection in Style Tulle (MSRP: $6.99)
Eva-Nye's Mane Magic 10-In-1 Shampoo & Conditioner (sample size), but each MSRP: $12

A Voucher for a Free Tub of Countrycrock's Plant Butter (MSRP: $2.49)
Smile's PRID Homeopathic Drawing Salve (MSRP: $8.99)

- I like the idea of providing two primers in the box. I'm not much of a spray primer fan, but I do enjoy using the cucumber spray on these hotter days in Kansas when I'm not wearing any makeup
- The Water Drop primer itself has a green tint to it (which as a red-faced-gal I appreciate!) but has a less fresh cucumber smell than the spray primer. So, if you can get past the smell, I think it's a great option for the price point 
- I can't remember the last time I wore lashes, but I'm thankful to have these in my collection for when that time comes again! These are so fluffy and flirty, I think they'll look great for a night out on the town or for a Black Tie event
- As a short hair'd lady I can appreciate the small sample sizes because they last me more than just one wash, but for you long hair'd beauties you'll probably only get one use out of these. I'm a BIG fan of the hair primer in this line (also received via VoxBox!) so I knew I would be a big fan of this shampoo. The scent is incredible and it leaves my hair feeling soft and healthy. 
- I haven't made it to the store since receiving this box, but I am looking forward to trying out a plant based alternative to butter. I struggle with dairy (and believe it's a big contender to my adult acne!) so have a plant based option for those who exclude dairy from their diet for one way or another is a nice touch and inclusive!
- Oh my gosh, this salve is everything! I have some "problem areas" that this salve help heal almost immediately. I also struggle with dry cuticles and I noticed when I applied this in the other areas and rubbed it into my fingers that it really helped with the dryness! 

Are you as shook as I am?! Cause this box ROCKED! If you're convinced you can  -- SIGN UP HERE! --  but if not, keep an eye out for my next #VoxBox review!

xo fallon

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  1. This is a great deal. I hate buying products that I end up throwing away because they don’t hold up to the hype.
